Hi all,
We wanted to pre-fill some ACF form fields like company name, street name, number, post code etc. with data from the WooCommerce checkout.
The use case is this: the company goes through the WooCommerce checkout to purchase a subscription first. The customer goes to Paypal to login and confirm the purchase and is being sent back to the WooCommerce checkout afterwards.
Thus we know the company name and its billing address already. At this point, it’s being saved to both the database and stored in the session cookie (correct me if I’m wrong).
Now the question: how do we obtain the available information and have it pre-filled it into a specific ACF form field (e.g. field_5fec83db09401)?
The goal is to save the customer from typing in a giving information twice and therefore raise the overall usability of the site.
I’d highly appreciate if you could point me into the right direction. After two hours of research, I still haven’t found what I look for (like pre-filling form fields from a WooCommerce order).
Thank you,
— Markus Seyfferth