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Post Types Hierarchical

  • Hi there,

    The Hierarchical setting does not work as intended. I’ve activated the option but on my post type it’s not giving me the option to add a child to the post or change a post to a parent. This is not possible within the post or from the quick edit screen.

    I’ve tested this setting using CPTUI plugin and it works there, so must be an issue with the setting not changing to true.


  • CPTs and custom taxonomies are a new feature of ACF, not much on the forums about them and I don’t use ACF (or any plugin) for this. So I have not tested it.

    Your best course of action would be to contact the developers here or to submit a ticket from your account if you have one.

  • Hi John

    I’m simply logging the bug. I’ve been trying to eliminate using unnecessary plugins, usually, I would add my own custom post type via PHP to my theme or use the CPTUI plugin.

    Thought it was a great add-on for the ACF plugin as it kept everything in one place using one plugin but had to revert back to my previously mentioned methods because that feature is not working as expected.

    I’ll give it a bit more time and try it again sometime in the future.

  • I generally use the PHP method myself. While I may use a plugin to set it up at first I always move CPT code to PHP do to performance. However, ACF uses JSON files for this. Eventually when this feature in ACF is more evolved it will likely be a better solution.

    I only posted my response because the developers of ACF do not monitor this forum. You are just telling other users there might be a problem. The only way to get the developers’ attention it to contact them directly.

  • Guys.

    Sometimes you don’t need to check the “Page Attributes” in the Edit Post Type -> Advanced Settings -> General -> Support, to see the option where you can set the parent page, but it’s a bug.

    So, normally, if you need the parent page settings, you need to check the “Page Attributes”.

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