Hi! Sorry this might be a little noobish but I am having problems when trying to include a post object as a field for a particular group. My problem is that one of my custom post types is not showing up as an option.
Trying to troubleshoot this issue I included in the get_post_types function:
So when I try to create a new custom fields group I get the following array in the Location meta box:
Array ( [post] => post [page] => page [attachment] => attachment [revision] => revision [nav_menu_item] => nav_menu_item [acf] => acf [videos] => videos [networks] => networks )
Over the new field post type multi-select box I get the following array:
Array ( [all] => All [post] => post [page] => page [attachment] => attachment [revision] => revision [nav_menu_item] => nav_menu_item [acf] => acf [networks] => networks )
My Issue is that I need to include the custom post type “videos” as a post object to a different custom post type “networks” and cannot get it to show up when choosing a new post object. Is there something I’m missing here?
Never mind, just solved my own problem
after troubleshooting a little more I figured out that I was registering the custom post type using a plugin boilerplate that, in order to reduce its footprint in the admin panel, only calls these plugin functions with no AJAX, which is something that the custom fields use when a user chooses the field type and loads the options via ajax.
Such a pain but I’m glad I solved this.
I changed:
if( is_admin() && ( ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) || ! DOING_AJAX )
if ( is_admin() )