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Back in July, there was a request for a feature that would allow you to customize the labels used for the post_title and post_content fields. The feature was supposed to have been implemented but it was not.
Feature Request: Edit label for post_title and post_content in acf_form
This is really easy to accomplish.
In \api\api-template.php:
function acf_form( $args = array() ) {
// vars
$url = home_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
// defaults
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
'id' => 'acf-form',
'post_id' => false,
'new_post' => false,
'field_groups' => false,
'fields' => false,
'post_title' => false,
'post_content' => false,
/* [patch] */
'post_title_label' => 'Title',
'post_content_label' => 'Content',
/* [/patch] */
'form' => true,
Below that:
// post_title
if( $args['post_title'] )
$fields[] = acf_get_valid_field(array(
'name' => '_post_title',
/* [patch] */
'label' => $args['post_title_label'],
/* [/patch] */
'type' => 'text',
'value' => $post_id ? get_post_field('post_title', $post_id) : '',
'required' => true
// post_content
if( $args['post_content'] )
$fields[] = acf_get_valid_field(array(
'name' => '_post_content',
/* [patch] */
'label' => $args['post_content_label'],
/* [/patch] */
'type' => 'wysiwyg',
'value' => $post_id ? get_post_field('post_content', $post_id) : ''
Now you can use post_title_label and post_content_label with acf_form().
<?php acf_form(array(
'field_groups' => array(341),
'post_id' => 'new_post',
'post_title' => true,
'post_content' => true,
'post_title_label' => 'New Title',
'post_content_label' => 'New Description',
'submit_value' => 'Submit Post'
)); ?>
You can do it like this without overwriting the core code:
add_filter( 'acf/get_valid_field', 'change_input_labels');
function change_input_labels($field) {
if($field['name'] == '_post_title') {
$field['label'] = 'Custom Title';
if($field['name'] == '_post_content') {
$field['label'] = 'Custom Content Title';
return $field;
This code goes into your functions.php file for example.
Since i think not too many people needs this function, i don’t think we need a GUI for this, so we can mark this feature request as solved.
@passatgt This is a great solution for the labels, but here is a different twist to this. Is it possible to change the WYSIWYG Editor to basic and media upload to false?
if( $field['type'] == 'wysiwyg' ) {
$this->defaults = array(
'toolbar' => 'basic',
'media_upload' => 0
I know this is not working code but it’s the idea I’m looking for. Any ideas?
I just found a solution to my problem. Here is the working code:
// Change Post Content Type
add_filter( 'acf/get_valid_field', 'change_post_content_type');
function change_post_content_type( $field ) {
if($field['type'] == 'wysiwyg') {
$field['tabs'] = 'visual';
$field['toolbar'] = 'basic';
$field['media_upload'] = 0;
return $field;
I’m not exactly sure how this is done, but you might be able to if you check for a specific field ID or Key within the form you targeting.
if($field['id'] == 'field_xxxxxxxxxxx') {
// execute your code
For current ACF version (5.4.2) the title customization may look like this:
function my_acf_load_field( $field ) {
$field['label'] = 'Your custom name';
return $field;
add_filter('acf/load_field/name=_post_title', 'my_acf_load_field');
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