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POST pages not loading values

  • I read this article:

    and tried the fix, but still not working. I have created a field in ACF to have a header image and it works on all pages, but not on the weblog (home.php) file or any posts.

    Not a serious need, but would like to have. and the built in feature image is for the post not the hero image for the weblog.

  • Hi @davenportgm

    The fix on that page works if you have set a static page on your front page. You can set it from “wp-admin > Settings > Reading”. After that, you need to add the header image on that front page.

    I hope this makes sense. Thanks.

  • @James thanks for the reply and input.

    As I started putting in the code to show you I realized that one part of it WAS working, the part I added the , get_option(‘page_for_posts’) and not the part I did not add it too.

    So with your reply, it made me open my sad eyes and mind.

    Apologies for your time, but appreciate the kick in the pants.

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