Hi guys. I have the following function that I am hooking into a post object field (query) To filter posts user specifically:
add_filter('acf/fields/post_object/query/name=which_event_is_this_document_for', 'my_post_object_query_for_specific_user', 10, 3);
function my_post_object_query_for_specific_user( $args, $field, $post )
global $current_user, $wp_roles; get_currentuserinfo();
$user_id = $current_user->ID;
$events = get_field('events', 'user_'.$user_id ) ? get_field('events', 'user_'.$user_id ) : false;
$event_info = array();
foreach( $events as $event){
$event_info[] = $event->ID;
$args['include'] = $event_info;
$args['orderby'] = 'meta_value';
$args['meta_key'] = 'date';
return $args;
This works absolutely fine. However, If I introduce a something into the query argument that causes no results;
for example
$args['post_parent'] = 9999999; //Testing Purposes
I get a ‘Loading Failed’ error. I had a look at the select2.js code and it looks like it should be returning ‘No matches’. (Bug?)
I would ideally like to hook into this message and display ‘You have no events’.
Is there a way to do this?
Hi @magicstick,
Thanks for the post.
I would recommend you make use of the acf/validate_field filter to attach some custom validation to the field and return a custom error message.
I hope this helps.