Hello does anyone know how to sort these things up?
basically Im making a custom loop and I just want to control the viewing .. I mean I want to remove the post from the loop by controlling it. When I selecting many posts, it prints what is exactly on the screenshot.. is there any way that i can sort it?
I just want to sort the demo post like this:
Demo post 11
Demo post 13
Demo post 15
Demo post 10
The field is locked..
Hi @slash_1968
The post object field does not yet contain functionality for ordering, you will need to use more advanced relationship field to achieve this!
Hi @elliot , how can i do that?
Hi @slash_1968
You will find the ‘relationship field’ as one of the field type choices when creating the field.
Docs: http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/field-types/relationship/