I’ve got a site where, for various reasons, we have a Post Object field to pull additional content from a Custom Content type and show it with an event (using Events Calendar Pro). For some reason, the field stopped working though and is coming up empty.
The site is running WordPress 5.3.2, and version 5.8.7 of ACF.
I tried deleting the field and re-adding it, but that didn’t help. I also changed it to show any types of content, but it still won’t show any options in the field. What else can I do to check what’s causing the field to be blank?
The post object field uses JS and AJAX to get the posts. More than likely there is a PHP error or possible a JS error that is causing the field to stop working. Turn on error logging to see if any PHP errors are causing the issue https://codex.wordpress.org/WP_DEBUG