I use two custom post types: eventtype and event. The eventtype has a wysiwyg field that may contain any kind of shortcodes. I added the eventtype to the event as a custom field (post object). If I check only the eventtype content, it’s all good, but when I processing events, and I print eventtype content, the shortcodes inside the eventtype content doesn’t show.
$fields = get_fields(get_the_ID()); // get event custom fields
if ($fields):
$event_type = get_field('eventtype'); // get event type custom field
if ($event_type):
echo ($event_type->post_content);
Can you help me with this?
when you access the post content this way
shortcodes are not run. You either need to use a loop as described in the post object field documentation with functions like the_content() or you must call
echo do_shortcode($post->post_content)
Solved, thank you very much!