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Post fields to page template

  • I’m fairly new to WordPress. Diving headfirst into block theme development. I’ll try to be brief. What I need is:
    1. The ability for a small group of non-developers to create posts about travel using the WordPress app. Ideally, as part of these posts they would include the latitude and longitude coordinates of their location.
    2. The post would be displayed in an html page I’ve created using Worsdpress’ new block theme guidelines. Not the PHP code and not using their admin editing tools, just good old css/js/html/etc.

    I’ve set up ACF and can get fields I enter in a post in the desktop admin site to show up via shortcode elsewhere in that post, but not in the page. I do not want to rely on every poster to include this code in the appropriate place of all of their posts, so this is no good. I want to do something like this in ‘single.html’:
    <!– wp:shortcode –>
    [acf field="location_latitude"]
    <!– /wp:shortcode –>

    Is this possible? Should I be going about it another way?

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