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Post content editor on front end

  • I have a form on front end to create new posts. I set ‘post_content’ => true for acf_form(), everything works as it should be, but what I need the basic editor for post_content, without media upload …etc

    Does anybody have any idea how could I achieve this ?

  • I worked it out that I can change the defaults of the Wysiwyg Editor in fields/wysiwyg.php , but wonder if there is a way to pass the parameters trough the acf_from() function

  • Hi @robert-pal

    There’s a filter you can use to modify the toolbars without altering the code directly

    which takes in the $toolbars variable which is an array. You might be able to use that to modify the toolbar to show only exactly what you’d want.

  • Great ! Managed to sort my tool bar out, using the filter I could actually customize my editor tool bar.

    However I’m still stuck with the “Add Media” button. Is there any hook to remove that button from the front end editor content field ?

  • Just found it that I can hook into acf/get_valid_field and set ‘media_upload’ to 0. Job done ! Thanks for your help @jonathan

  • Hi,

    Great! Good luck in your development and don’t hesitate to ask again if you require assistance 🙂

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