Hey everyone, hoping you can lend some advice if possible. I’m pretty new to website development and coding, so am pretty out of my element here! This might be very easy to do, so apologise for my ignorance, but I’d appreciate the clarification/help if possible. Thanks in advance!
Basically, I’m building a website (using Elementor Pro) for a forthcoming magazine that’s going to publish several issues a year. There are going to be a number of Loop Items on the site that cycle through the magazine’s posts across various categories, and within each Loop Item template is a Post Info widget that ideally needs to list the author name, genre of post and the issue number that post can be found within. Obviously the first two are already present, but I figured I needed ACF to create the custom taxonomy of Issue Number.
Unlike the other taxonomies for author, genre etc., what I basically want to happen regarding this custom taxonomy is that, instead of triggering a query and taking you through to a filtered archive of posts at, e.g. ‘[website address].com/issue-number/issue-1’ etc., I want clicking on this issue number to actually take you to the direct product page where you can buy that issue, e.g. (in my case) ‘[website address].com/shop/standalone-issues/issue-1’. Is this viable, and if so, how would I go about implementing it? Much appreciated!