I’ve asked elsewhere but not had a response.
Can you please remove the changelog from the plugins page.
You’re the only plugin that lists them there and it’s very scary for my clients.
Other than that, lovely work!
Hi @PandS
Thanks for your feedback, however, updating a plugin blindly is exactly what I am trying to prevent!
Sorry, but this will not be changed. If you want, you can just add some CSS to the admin_head to hide the class!
I don’t think you’re understanding. In the plugins list, you’re displaying the latest changes. No-one else does this and it can take up a ton of space.
Attached is a perfect example of what I mean.

Hi @PandS
Perhaps the solution is to limit the results to x amount and then show a link to view all of them online?
Your screenshot shows the changelog of many versions. Perhaps I should change the code to only show the changelog of the latest version?
But why show them there at all as it’s breaking core WP functions?
Of course they need to be shown under the changelog tab under the ‘view version XX details’ modal, that’s cool, but, as you can see above, imagine if everyone did the same as this, it’ll be crazy!
Glad to see you’ve now removed the changelog from the plugins page.