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Place custom field on same line as entry title

  • Trying to place my titleposition custom field on the same line as the ‘entry_title’ (which is the persons name) in a Team cpt, on single-team.php.

    The theme’s code:

    do_action( 'generate_before_entry_title' );
    	if ( generate_show_title() ) {
    	the_title( '<h1 class="entry-title" itemprop="headline">','</h1>');

    I tried this:

    do_action( 'generate_before_entry_title' );
    if ( generate_show_title() ) {
    	the_title( '<h1 class="entry-title" itemprop="headline">',',');
    	the_field( 'titleposition','</h1>' );

    And though it doesn’t break anything, and my added comma shows up, the titleposition field after the new comma doesn’t show on the front end, nor do I see the titleposition field called at all when I view source code of the page.

    What I have:
    What I have

    What I want:
    What I want

    Obviously, I’m no PHP whiz! But I feel like this should be simple. Can anyone show me what I’m doing wrong?

  • Hello,

    The function the_title is part of wordpress, which, optionally, can pass an opening tag and closing tag as the parameters.

    The function the_field is not part of wordpress, but from acf. and the function takes the parameter of field_name and reference.

    So, one way to do it is handle the html yourself:

    <?php if (generate_show_title()): ?>
        <h1 class="entry-title" itemprop="headline">
            <?php the_title(); ?>, <?php the_field('titleposition'); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    Cheers. 😀

  • Very helpful, thank you so much!

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