Following the change made on ACF 4.1.8 I am getting this error, running on php 5.4 in strict mode.
Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in …wp-content/plugins/advanced-custom-fields/core/fields/_functions.php on line 55
To solve it should be only creating a var before to hold the “$found = false” and send it to the wp_cache_get.
The same aplies to 2 other files, as far as I know:
Thanks for looking into it!
Hi @andrefelipe
Thanks for the bug report.
So just to clarify, passing $found = false within the parameter space is causing an ERROR in PHP?
And the fix is to create $found before the wp_cache_get function?
These changes have been made and pushed to the latest files on github!
wonderful, that was exactly it! That way the var is correctly referenced.
Thanks a bunch!