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Passing Options Repeater through to Field Group Checkboxes

  • Hello,

    1. I have created a repeater field on my options page.
      The sub fields are… Name (text field) and URL (text field)
    2. I have then successfully managed to populate a checkbox field in a separate Field Group with the options page repeater data. This is done by adding code into functions.php (see code below).
    3. I now want to display the Label and the Value for each checkbox ticked in the Field Group with in my theme. It seems I can only output the Value and not the Label. I noticed that only the “Choices” setting was filled in and the “Default Value” was not filled with corresponding information. See screen shot.
    4. My question is…
      Is my functions.php code wrong and how do I output both the value and label of the Checkboxes in my template?

    function.php code:

    // Add Technology Page Options to Technology Field Group
    	function my_acf_load_field( $field )
    		// reset choices
    		$field['choices'] = array();
    		// load repeater from the options page
    		if(get_field('technology', 'option'))
    			// loop through the repeater and use the sub fields "value" and "label"
    			while(has_sub_field('technology', 'option'))
    				$value = get_sub_field('technology_page_link');
    				$label = get_sub_field('technology_name');
    				$field['choices'][ $value ] = $label;
    	    // Important: return the field
    	    return $field;
    	// v3.5.8.2 and below
    	add_filter('acf_load_field-report_technology_pages', 'my_acf_load_field');
    	// v4.0.0 and above
    	add_filter('acf/load_field/name=report_technology_pages', 'my_acf_load_field');
  • For anyone having similar issues here is the solution…

    		$field = get_field_object('report_technology_pages'); 
    		$technologies = get_field('report_technology_pages'); // array of selected technology values  ?>
    				<?php foreach($technologies as $technology){ ?>
    					<li><a href="<?php echo $technology; ?>"><?php echo $field['choices'][ $technology ]; ?></a></li>
    				<?php } ?>
  • I was having the illegal offset type error when trying to get labels using the method documented in Resources, and your solution fixed it. Thanks!

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