The cause: The page link field type does not recognize if the status of the post in the database is not publish or draft.
So if I have a custom status “In Progress” or “Completed”, posts/pages with either of these statuses won’t show up in the dropdown.
Is there a workaround for this? I really need to retain the custom statuses.
Hi @contemplato
Thanks for the bug report.
At the moment, the page_link and post_object field use a post_status param of:
'post_status' => array('publish', 'private', 'draft', 'inherit', 'future'),
This explains why your custom status are not being included.
In the upcoming v5, I have changed this to:
'post_status' => 'any',
For now, can you please edit the core/fields/post_object.php file on line 93 and make this change manually?
Let me know if it works correctly with the change.
Hi @contemplato
Glad to hear it. I have included this into the core and will be available in the next version.