I think is a stupid question, but I’have not found a solution…
I need to make a website, with some page visible only for registered user with specific value in field.
For example, a page only for user with (acf) job: manager and location: germany.
So each post need to have “a some sort of condition” of display….
I already give some acf to the users.. the problem is about the display of the posts..
Sorry for the english but i’m not native english speaker.
It depends on what you want to not show. You would also have to have something on each page. For example a matching “country” field for location where “germany” would be stored.
Then as an example, to not show the content of the page
$page_country = get_field('location');
$current_user_id = 0;
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
$current_user_id = get_current_user_id();
if (get_field('location', 'user_'.$current_user_id) == $page_country &&
get_field('job', 'user_'.$current_user_id) == 'manager') {
} else {
echo 'permission denied';