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I have created a ‘Page Builder’ plugin that has 4 sets of field groups.
Columns – ( 100%, 50%/50%, 25%/75% ect )
Custom – ( Used if I want specific created modules per project )
Modules – ( Accordian, Contact Form, WYSIWIG Editior )
Settings – ( Row Settings, ie padding/background colour/text colour )
All the above work fine and flawlessly, basically the Columns are preset in the field groups and for example;
If i was to select 50%/50% – This would then generate the field group ‘Modules’. If I then add a WYSWIG editor in both, add an image in the left, and text in the right.. This works fine..
But my question is does ACF support where in my example I want to put an image in the left column but then add an additional option to re add columsn inside the right half to say another 50%/50%. So my column structure I would be after would be:
50% / [50% / 50% ]
I have tried cloning the columns field group inside the ‘Modules’ field group but it doesent render anything in the editor.
I hope someone can help!
Do you use Bootstrap? I am working on something similar, my attempt is to have standard width that you can edit.
No mine uses a custom CSS grid system – but you change the column width classes in the settings
$columns[‘six’] = ‘six columns’;
If you wanted to use bootstrap you would just change it to:
$columns[‘six’] = ‘col-lg-6’;
The reason that nothing shows when you try to clone the columns is that you’re creating an infinite loop cloning the fields
columns -> clone columns -> clone columns -> clone columns -> etc...
your sub columns will need to be different fields. Create a “sub columns” field group and then clone that into you columns.
Thank you for your reply John,
YES, this solved my issues. But because I am now doing flexible content within flexible content (both using cloned fields)
The data is not being pulled? It is storing in the database correctly but nothing is being pulled..
while ( have_rows( $id ) ) : the_row();
if( get_row_layout() == 'content' ):
flexi_get_template_part( 'content' );
elseif( get_row_layout() == 'accordian' ):
flexi_get_template_part( 'accordian' );
elseif( get_row_layout() == 'contact_form' ):
flexi_get_template_part( 'contact-form' );
elseif( get_row_layout() == 'columns' ):
$arr = get_defined_vars();
If you see in the columns, all it returns is $id string. It seems that nested flexible content is not supported?
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