I’m using a block that can dynamically display data from ACF fields, one issue is if I have a button link with an email it doesn’t include mailto: so clicking the email doesn’t work correctly. Is there any way I can force ACF to output mailto: before the email address on an email field?
I would need more information to be sure, like what is the HTML that is actually being created and how it is generated.
Without his information what I would say is to add an acf/format_value filter that prepends “mailto:” to the value that acf is returning.
Thanks yes a mailto: prepend would do this.
So it would look something like this?
add_filter(‘acf/format_value/type=email’, “mailto:”, 10, 3);
add_filter('acf/format_value/type=email', 'prepend_mailto', 20);
function prepend_mailto($value) {
$value = 'mailto:'.$value;
return $value;
Thanks that did the trick