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ordering images of a gallery according to datepicker inside attachment page

  • Hello,

    i have an option page where i have a gallery field.
    I have added a custom field on attachement > a date picker.

    I want to sort the images of the gallery according to the date added in the date picker field to create a sort of archive liste like:

    december 2017
    img 1 ; img 5 ; img 3

    january 2018
    img 4 ; img 12 ; img 15

    since i can’t quering this, i’m wondering if there is any chance to do that, or i need to resign and do a repeater field wich is more complex for updating.

    —- Versions —-
    ACF v5.6.7
    WP v4.9.1

  • i found a part of the code.
    The probleme is i store the year in a variable and when the loop see an other year, it’s erase the year to an other one.

    So i get many time the same year and the systeme dont put all the images who have the same year in the same header.

    here is my code

    $post_id = "option"; // options page
    $gallery = get_field('galerie_archive', $post_id);
    // vars
    $order = array();
    // populate order
    foreach( $gallery as $i => $image ) {
    	$order[ $i ] = $image['id'];
    // multisort
    array_multisort( $order, SORT_DESC, $gallery );
    // loop through gallery
    if( $gallery ): 
    $current_header = ''; ?>
    <?php foreach( $gallery as $i => $image ): 
    $date = get_field('date', $image['ID'], false);
    $temp_header = date_i18n('Y', strtotime($date));
        if ( $temp_header != $current_header ) {
            $current_header = $temp_header;
            echo "<h3>".$current_header.'</h3>';
                <img src="<?php echo $image['sizes']['medium']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $image['alt']; ?>" />
                <?php the_field('date', $image['ID']); ?>
    	<?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
  • The code you have sorts the field according to their ID value, I’m going to be completely honest, I have never had much luck using array_multisort() and when I need to sort things differently than ACF sorts them then I will generally do sorting in another way.

    Anyway, the first thing you need to do is to get the date to sort by instead of sorting by the ID

    foreach( $gallery as $i => $image ) {
    	$order[ $i ] = get_field('date', $image['id'], false);

    the above code gets the date field attached to the image. The 3rd parameter is false to get the unformatted value of the field to sort by.

  • Hi John,

    thanks a lot for you help !

    i share the last version code for the community.

    To order images from a gallery according to a date picker field in the attachment :

    // replace by your gallery field name
    $gallery = get_field('field_name');
    // vars
    $order = array();
    // populate order
    // the above code gets the date field attached to the image. 
    // The 3rd parameter is false to get the unformatted value of the field to sort by.
    foreach( $gallery as $i => $image ) {
    	$order[ $i ] = get_field('date', $image['id'], false);
    // multisort
    array_multisort( $order, SORT_DESC, $gallery );
    // loop through gallery
    if( $gallery ): 
    // variable
    $current_header = ''; ?>
    <?php foreach( $gallery as $i => $image ):
    $date = get_field('date', $image['ID'], false);
    $temp_header = date_i18n('Y', strtotime($date));
        // generate the year as header
        if ( $temp_header != $current_header ) {
            $current_header = $temp_header;
            echo "<h3>".$current_header.'</h3>';
        // add the image and the date
            <img src="<?php echo $image['sizes']['medium']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $image['alt']; ?>" />
            <?php the_field('date', $image['ID']); ?>
    	<?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
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