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Order of Posts Using Relationship Field

  • I am having troubles wrapping my brain around this. Perhaps it is easy and I am just overthinking this.

    I am using the relationship field to show a list from a custom post type called ‘speaker_info’ on a page. Each of these ‘speaker_info’ post entries has an advance custom field entry for ‘last_name’ and ‘first_name.’

    I need to be able to show this list ordered by the custom field ‘last_name’

    Currently I just have the default code from the example page, and have tried different queries with no luck.

    $posts = get_field('speakers_two');
    if( $posts ): ?>
        <?php foreach( $posts as $post): // variable must be called $post (IMPORTANT) ?>
            <?php setup_postdata($post); ?>
                <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>
                <span>Custom field: <?php the_field('last_name'); ?></span>
        <?php endforeach; ?>
        <?php wp_reset_postdata(); // IMPORTANT - reset the $post object so the rest of the page works correctly ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    Can anyone please help me change this so that I may query the custom post types by the last_name custom field.

  • Have you tried it using a WP_Query? Like this for instance:

            $speakers = get_field('speakers_two');
            $query = new WP_Query(array(
                'post_type'     => 'speaker_info',
                'post__in'      => $speakers,
                'meta_key'      => 'last_name',
                'orderby'       => 'meta_value',
                'order'         => 'ASC',
            if ($query->have_posts()) : ?>
                    <?php while($query->have_posts()) :
                            <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>
                            <span>Custom field: <?php the_field('last_name'); ?></span>
                    <?php endwhile; ?>
            <?php endif; ?>

    Let me know if it works or not, it did the trick for me with a relationship field I wanted to sort.

  • Thanks for that! I did end up using something quite similar.

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