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Options page within custom post type menu

  • Several months I built a custom post type that uses ACF and includes a select field for a “location”. Fast forward a few months and we are getting requests several times a week to add new locations which means editing the field and redeploying. Today i’ll be building an options page so locations can be added dynamically by using a repeater field however I’d like know if its possible to include a specific options page within the menu of my custom post type?

  • Solved it 3 minutes after posting this by just using acf_add_options_sub_page and setting the parent_slug to the URL of the custom post type:

    if( function_exists('acf_add_options_sub_page') ) {
    		'page_title' 	=> 'LOLP Locations',
    		'menu_title'	=> 'Manage Locations',
    		'parent_slug'	=> 'edit.php?post_type=loan-originator',
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