Using the new Options page creator in ACF PRO, I created an options page and named it Footer. I created a repeater for social icons and added the following code to the footer template:
<div class="social_icons">
if( have_rows('social_icons', 'option') ):
while ( have_rows('social_icons', 'option') ) : the_row(); ?>
" title="<?php the_sub_field('name'); ?>"> <?php the_sub_field('font_awesome_code'); ?>
<?ph endwhile;
else :
</div><!-- .social_icons -->
This code breaks the footer. Can someone please help me get to the bottom of this?
<div class="social_icons">
if( have_rows('social_icons', 'option') ):
while ( have_rows('social_icons', 'option') ) : the_row(); ?>
<a href="<?php the_sub_field('link'); ?>" title="<?php the_sub_field('name'); ?>"> <?php the_sub_field('font_awesome_code'); ?> </a>
<?ph endwhile;
else :
</div><!-- .social_icons -->
Nevermind… Just before the elsewhile I had <?ph instead of <?php
My bad. This code now works