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Options Page – Export Content

  • Hi Folks,

    I see this question has been asked many times, but I am desperate. I need to export my options page content (various repeaters with tons of fields) from one WordPress install to another.

    I don’t have the skillset to program from a hook, and have basic knowledge of MySQL.

    Before I spend 5 hours copying and pasting (worried about human errors), I figured I would ask.

  • There really isn’t a way to export and import the options easily, but I did find a plugin. It hasn’t been updated in 2 years but it might be work a try. I’d definitely backup my database before I tried it.

  • Hi John!

    That worked like a charm. They even let you control what to import.

    Only downside, you have to either check, or uncheck boxes and you can’t do multiples. My hands sore unchecking 200 boxes, but saved me 8 hours of work and no possibility for human error.

    You sir are a gentleman and a scholar! PS for anyone else reading this, backup before you f$uck up.


  • I decided to go the hard route with this…

    From the source database that contains the options page values that you want:

    SELECT *
    INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/wp_options.csv'
    FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE '%options_form_steps%';

    Your prefix will be different, you’ll need to modify the LIKE above.

    You will then want to transfer your CSV file to the server that you want to import them on. You can then import that file:

    mysqlimport -hHOST_HERE -pPASSWORD_HERE -u USERNAME_HERE --local --fields-terminated-by=";" --fields-enclosed-by='"' --columns='option_name,option_value,autoload' DBNAME_HERE /var/www/database/wp_options.csv

    Enjoy responsibly.

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