I am trying to get an editable frontend from where only specific fields should be editable.
E.g I have assigned custom fields 1,2,3 to a user and the user should be able to edit fields 1 and 2 but not 3.
I thought it could work by adding 2 fieldgroups to the user but I am not able to load only a specific fieldgroup.
Any advice?
Are you using the ACF front-end form functions or building a custom form?
If the former, see http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/tutorials/creating-a-front-end-form/. In the acf_form() options array, you’ll just specify ‘field_groups’ as an array of ACF post object ID’s.
Thank you. I did not correctly fill
'field_groups' => array(),
with my groupfields number. Working now 🙂