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on save_post action get all custom fields?

  • Using ACF pro and saving all posts to json files for a project.

    Is there a way to find all custom fields on a posts’ page? We’re dealing with a lot of custom post types and fields.

    It would be easier if we could just get any fields and their data assigned to a post instead of specifying all the fields per post type manually.

    I’ll then add it to the post object.


    function on_post_publish($ID, $post)
        $data       = json_encode($post);
        $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
        $path       = $upload_dir['basedir'] . "/json/";
        $pt         = str_replace('pmdd_cpt_', '', $post->post_type);
        $file_name  = "PMDD_" . $pt . '_' . $ID . '.json';
        // echo $path . $file_name;
        if ($post->post_type == 'pmdd_cpt_data_source'):
            file_put_contents($path . $file_name, $data);
            $ds_data        = data\choose_data($ID);
            $file_name_data = "PMDD_" . $pt . '_' . $ID . '_data.json';
            file_put_contents($path . $file_name_data, $ds_data);
            update_field('pmdd_ds_cache_updated', current_time('mysql'));
    add_action('save_post', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\on_post_publish', 10, 2);
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