So, here is my idea I am currently trying to solve. Bear in mind, I did some testing and look for plugins.
1) I have “wp_acf_meta” table, which is basically “wp_postmeta”
2) to this table I want to offload any field starting with “aaa_” (i.e.)
Why? This type of data is pure settings for blocks. I don’t want them to load for search or anything.
Here is prototype plugin – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SOtqm5qVgO2fX01UyVCmZjY8VJ5QU_Zw/view?usp=sharing.
It is based on this https://anchor.host/acf-custom-fields-stored-in-custom-table/ and previous article.
I also checked https://wordpress.org/plugins/acf-fields-in-custom-table/ and https://hookturn.io/downloads/acf-custom-database-tables/.
But neither does work in a way I need it. Preferebly, I would wish to store all data related to in page block in serilize “meta_value” column … cause that would help so much.
Any ideas how to achieve this? My plugins works but needs much more – groups, repeater and get_field() + get_fields() does not work perfectly.
And I did not test the gutenberg blocks.