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'no_value_message' filter for flexible content

  • Hi Eliot,

    It seems that you’ve deleted the ‘no_value_message’ filter for the flexible content field. Is this true? And is there any possibility that I can stil change this text?

    Thanks 🙂


  • Hi @JeroenReumkens

    Thanks for the bug report. I have added this back in (was a mistake to leave it out) and you will find the fix included in the next update.

    For now, please modify the pro/fields/flexible-content.php file on line 210 to:

    // no value message
    		$no_value_message = __('Click the "%s" button below to start creating your layout','acf');
    		$no_value_message = apply_filters('acf/fields/flexible_content/no_value_message', $no_value_message, $field);
    <div <?php acf_esc_attr_e(array( 'class' => 'acf-flexible-content', 'data-min' => $field['min'], 'data-max'	=> $field['max'] )); ?>>
    	<div class="no-value-message" <?php if( $field['value'] ){ echo 'style="display:none;"'; } ?>>
    		<?php printf( $no_value_message, $field['button_label'] ); ?>


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