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There are no meta boxes or containing tabs showed in the user profile edit page.
Any idea?
Do you have the correct location permissions? i.e. if you set the field to display for users of type x, are you logged in as that type?
Also, are you getting any javascript errors? (the custom fields are rendered via JS)
Sorry, I was not clearly.
The fields appear, but they are not wrapped in Meta-Boxes like in a post or page.
Wow, fast response there
Yes, I believe user custom fields do not get meta boxes.
Thanks for your feedback.
Maybe Elliot could clarify how meta boxes appear in profile pages.
Would be nice to get the same ordered structure.
Hi guys.
Unfortunately the tab field does not yet work with users / taxonomies.
I’ll add this to the to-do for post 4.2.0
Hi Elliot
Just wanted to follow-up regarding the Meta-Boxes in the user profile pages.
Any news on a release?
Hi @abombelli
Thanks for the bump. I’ll re-add this to the to-do for the current next version
Hi Elliot,
thanks for the great plugin – one question: I’m currently working on a community install of WP/BuddyPress. I hadn’t looked at BP for a while because the integration with WP wasn’t as good as I had hoped for, particularly with respect to
I’m a bit confused about ACF’s capabilities with respect to custom user meta.
In a couple of threads on the support forum it reads as if it is currently possible to use ACF to input custom user_meta fields on the profile page –
while on this one it says it’s impossible in the current version. If it is currently possible, could you point me to a tutorial about how to add an appropriate location rule because I apparently am unable to get it working, even trying the custom technique outlined here –
Maybe my grasp of the plugin’s structure is insufficient, but I can’t get this done.
If it is currently impossible to do this as appears to be stipulated by this thread, is it possible to indicate a time range when it might be?
Thanks for a brief reply!
Hi @t.schwarz
The ACF plugin will allow you to add custom fields to a user, via the location rules under the ‘other’ section.
This will add the fields to a user edit page WITHIN the wp-admin but will not add them to the buddy press edit pages on the front end.
This current limitation has been fixed in the soon to be released ACF version 5.
You will have to wait a few months until it’s release but then you can enjoy the custom fields on the front end via the buddy press profile edit area!
Thanks for the quick reply!
I managed to get some fields on the WP user-profile edit screen now. Thanks a lot!
So, since I don’t have those 5 months for this project and I need conditionality, I’m thinking – wouldn’t it be possible to replace the bp xprofile loop with a loop of the acf-added WP user_meta (and, possibly, for the edit view, put it in a form and update it from the front end?)
Thanks again!
Hi @t.schwarz
Of course, you can edit the templates and add in the ACF data into the profile view, and the edit form.
ACF v5 should be out in 2 months.
Hi @abombelli
Just wanted to let you know I have added compatibility for tabs and profile edit pages!
You can download the latest ACF via github, or wait for the next release to see it in action.
Thanks Elliot!
I’ve modified my Buddypress profile-loop.php with an acf-form and the fields are displayed nicely (as per
I’m getting this warning though –
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /home/www/…/html/beta/wp-content/plugins/advanced-custom-fields/core/api.php on line 1168
And it appears there’s a problem with the conditionality. I assumed that the admin-js that is responsible for handling the conditionality aspect in the backend would be loaded through acf_form, but apparently that’s not the case – at least the conditional fields are all displayed regardless of the entered values. Is there any way to achieve this (short of rewriting the conditionalities in jquery)?
If it is possible, Which scripts would have to be enqueued for this to work?
Thanks for a brief reply!
Oh, I just realized that the image upload/edit/delete links don’t work in the front end either.
Hi @t.schwarz
Please read over your error. It is clear that you are not passing in an array as the acf_form args.
Hi @abombelli
What do you mean by “Is it possible to add the Metaboxes as well?”
Are you talking about the visual look of a wp metabox?
If so, no this is not possible.
thanks, I managed to get rid of the warning! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Works like a charm now!
If anyone is interested: I’ve replaced the x-profile-field loop in community>members>profile>profile-loop.php with the fields/form generated by ACF for the fields I’ve entered in the WP user profile. That way I can keep the Buddypress structure and features while benefitting from the amazing conditionality features of ACF. For this project I can live without the visibility controls of x-profile fields since all profiles will be visible to all internal users.
Thanks again Elliot!
Thanks for your feedback. Yes I was referring to the visual look 😉
Hi @elliot,
I’m having trouble getting a custom field group to appear on the profile page as well.
When creating or editing users, the fields appear. However, on the actual Profile page, the fields don’t show.
So far, I’m using the following location rules:
User : is equal to : All // (This shows the field group on the Add/Edit User Page)
Logged In User : is equal to : Representative // (I was thinking that this would show the fields on the profile page for this role, but it doesn’t)
Anyway, I’m new to the plugin, so any direction about this would be appreciated.
Hi @justin
In the future, can you please create a new topic when your question is different to that of the original topic?
As for your question, the logged in user location rule is exactly that, when the logged in user is ‘Representative’.
If you want the field group to appear on all ‘Representative’ users, just select the location rule:
User : is equal to : Representative
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