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Hi there,
I’ve got a repeater field ‘jc’ with a sub-repeater ‘attachments’.
I’d like to sort JC rows with the newest ones displayed at the top (so, in a descending order).
I’ve tried to adapt this (https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/how-to-sorting-a-repeater-field/) to my code below, but have been unable to. By that I mean it would print fine, but it didn’t change the order, whether I put sort_asc or sort_desc, didn’t make a difference.
This is my code that’s working perfectly except there’s no sorting.
// check for JC rows (parent repeater)
if( have_rows('jc') ):
<div class="su-accordion">
// loop through rows (parent repeater)
while( have_rows('jc') ): the_row(); ?>
<div class="su-spoiler su-spoiler-style-simple su-spoiler-icon-plus su-spoiler-closed">
<div class="su-spoiler-title">
<?php the_sub_field('month_year'); ?>
</div><!-- / spoiler title -->
// check for ATTACHMENT rows (sub repeater)
if( have_rows('attachments') ): ?>
<div class="su-spoiler-content su-clearfix">
// loop through rows (sub repeater)
while( have_rows('attachments') ): the_row();
$file = get_sub_field('file');
if( $file ):
// vars
$url = $file['url'];
$title = $file['title'];
<a href="<?php echo $url; ?>" target="_blank">
<?php echo $title; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
</div><!-- / spoiler content -->
<?php endif; //if( get_sub_field('month_year') ): ?>
<?php endwhile; // while( has_sub_field('jc') ): ?>
<?php endif; // if( get_field('jc') ): ?>
I’ve made some progress – the sort now works but since there’s a ‘foreach’, the entire content is repeated. I have 8 sortable rows with subcontent right now, and everything is printed 8 times with the code below (but now sorted correctly in a descending order):
// check for rows (parent repeater)
if( have_rows('jc') ):
// get repeater field data
$jc = get_field('jc');
// vars
$order = array();
// populate order
foreach( $jc as $i => $row ) {
$order[ $i ] = $row['id'];
// multisort
array_multisort( $order, SORT_DESC, $jc );
// loop through repeater
if( $jc ):
<div class="su-accordion">
// loop through rows (parent repeater)
while( have_rows('jc') ): the_row(); ?>
<?php foreach( $jc as $i => $row ): ?>
<div class="su-spoiler su-spoiler-style-simple su-spoiler-icon-plus su-spoiler-closed">
<div class="su-spoiler-title">
<?php echo $row['id']; ?><?php echo $row['month_year']; ?>
</div><!-- / spoiler title -->
// check for rows (sub repeater)
if( have_rows('attachments') ): ?>
<div class="su-spoiler-content su-clearfix">
// loop through rows (sub repeater)
while( have_rows('attachments') ): the_row();
$file = get_sub_field('file');
if( $file ):
// vars
$url = $file['url'];
$title = $file['title'];
<a href="<?php echo $url; ?>" target="_blank">
<?php echo $title; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
</div><!-- / spoiler content -->
<?php endif; //if( get_sub_field('month_year') ): ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endwhile; // while( has_sub_field('jc') ): ?>
<?php endif; // if( get_field('jc') ): ?>
<?php endif; // if( get_field('jc') ): ?>
You will need to get the entire repeater and do your sorting and then loop though the rows of the repeater using the array rather than using an ACF have_rows() loops.
$repeater = get_field('js');
then loop though the array and do your sorting, when that is done loop through the array again and output what you want to output.
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