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Nested Flex or Repeater in Included File

  • Here’s the basics of what I’m doing:

    while(has_sub_field("field_name")) {
    		    $path = TEMPLATEPATH . "/included_file.php";
    		    if (file_exists($path)) {

    With this I can run “the_sub_field” and “get_sub_field” in the included file. However, nested repeaters do not work with the “has_sub_field” while statement method. I can use a foreach using “get_sub_field” in a variable though.

    //this works
    //do something
    //this doesn't
    //do something

    Any ideas why the while method wouldn’t work when in an included file like that?


    Hmmm looking through the documentation some more, I had assumed that nesting a repeater in a Flex field worked the same way as nested repeaters. Ignore the included file aspect, can you use a while has sub field within a flex field?

  • I just tested your method, and I can confirm it’s working fine;

    One thing I did notice is that you should have added a / before ‘included_file.php’ in your path variable. I added it below!

    Code within my loop:

    <?php while(has_sub_field('nested')): ?>
    				<?php $path = TEMPLATEPATH . '/included_file.php'; ?>
    				<?php if (file_exists($path)) {
    		    	} ?>
    			<?php endwhile; ?>

    include_file.php code

    <?php the_sub_field('name') ?> (<strong>
    	<?php while(has_sub_field('list')): ?>
    		<?php the_sub_field('list_name') ?>
    	<?php endwhile; ?>
  • Are you using two repeaters? I’m trying to call a repeater from inside a Flex field. I actually do that the ‘/’ there in my actual code, I simplified the example code. Thanks!

  • @paperrobots

    Indeed i’m using nested repeaters, I will try using a flex field.

  • @paperrobots

    Works fine with repeater inside a flex field as well. Make sure you are running this code within the WP loop or a custom loop.

    code within loop:

    <?php while(has_sub_field('nested')): ?>
    <?php $path = TEMPLATEPATH . '/included_file.php'; ?>
    	<?php if (file_exists($path)) {
    	} ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>


    <?php if(get_row_layout() == "heading"): //another field ?>
    	<?php the_sub_field('heading') ?><br>
    <?php elseif(get_row_layout() == "repeater"): // repeater ?>
    	<?php while(has_sub_field('repeater')): ?>
    		- <?php the_sub_field('name') ?><br>
    	<?php endwhile ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
  • I suppose that’s my problem, I’m not running it in a loop. I’m running it from a plugin. I will try that, thanks!

  • @mikerodriguez

    Perhaps you could take a look at my plugin directly. I tried running a loop from within the plugin but no luck. Here’s the plugin:

    In the main plugin file “buckets.php” the function get_bucket() is where I’m calling the flex field. I call the function from my ACF custom field under “fields/buckets.php”.


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