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Name Field is lots of data

  • I just updated to WP 4.0 and ACF Pro 5.0.7. All of my name fields are strings of data such as this:

    a:8:{s:4:”type”;s:8:”repeater”;s:12:”instructions”;s:0:””;s:8:”required”;i:0;s:17:”conditional_logic”;i:0;s:3:”min”;s:0:””;s:3:”max”;s:0:””;s:6:”layout”;s:5:”table”;s:12:”button_label”;s:13:”Add Selection”;}

    Is this something with the 4.0 update or is my database really messed up?

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

  • I guess the latest version, 5.0.7, does say it’s tested up to 3.9.2 and not 4.0. Guess I’ll just have to wait. Well that’s there incase you’re unaware of it.

    I just exported the custom fields of the working copy and put it into my functions.php folder. It’d be nice to be able to add more fields though.

  • It’s working on my clean WordPress 4.0 with a fresh database and the latest version of ACF. So I updated it on the site that I’m working on but it’s still doing the data-string thing.

    I restored the website to the previous version of WordPress to just update the ACF plugin and only update the database for ACF. Still getting the data-string in the name field. I’m kind of at a loss. I’ve disabled all the other plugins to see if that was effecting it, but it’s not.

    I did go from embedding ACF in my theme to using the plugins panel, but I wouldn’t think that’d have anything to do with it. This isn’t the first time I’ve switched it.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • I switched the theme to test out the plugin. Default theme worked, so that told me something in my theme was altering the code. Through a process of elimination in my functions.php file, I found that this function was causing it to alter the name field:

    add_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'end_with_sentence');
    function end_with_sentence($excerpt) {
      $allowed_end = array('.', '!', '?', '...');
      $exc = explode( ' ', $excerpt );
      $found = false;
      $last = '';
      while ( ! $found && ! empty($exc) ) { 
        $last = array_pop($exc);
        $end = strrev( $last );
        $found = in_array( $end{0}, $allowed_end );
      return (! empty($exc)) ? $excerpt.'</p><a class="cta-link" href="'. get_permalink($post->ID) . '" title="'. __( 'Read', 'wpBASEtheme' ) . get_the_title($post->ID).'">'. __( 'View Full Post <span>e</span>', 'wpBASEtheme' ) .'</a>' : rtrim(implode(' ', $exc) . ' ' .$last);
    add_filter('wp_insert_post_data', 'end_with_sentence_on_save', 20, 2);
    function end_with_sentence_on_save($data, $postarr) {
      if ( ! empty( $data['post_content'] ) && $data['post_status'] != 'inherit' && $data['post_status'] != 'trash' ) {
        $text = strip_shortcodes( $data['post_content'] );
        $text = apply_filters('the_content', $text );
        $text = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $text );
        $excerpt_length = apply_filters('excerpt_length', 55);
        $data['post_excerpt'] = wp_trim_words($text, $excerpt_length, '');
      } else {
        return $data;
      $allowed_end = array('.', '!', '?', '...');
      $exc = explode(' ', $data['post_excerpt']);
      $found = false;
      $last = '';
      while ( ! $found && ! empty($exc) ) { 
        $last = array_pop($exc);
        $end = strrev( $last );
        $found = in_array( $end{0}, $allowed_end );
      if (! empty($exc)) $data['post_excerpt'] = rtrim(implode(' ', $exc) . ' ' .$last);
      return $data; 

    So there’s no need to worry about this issue any longer.

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