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Multisite Post Object field not working (wrong admin-ajax called)

  • Hi!

    I’m using ACF Pro on a WP multisite and I’ve noticed a problem on my Post Object field, that returned no results on the admin page. It worked as expected a month ago and today it is not.

    My multisite instances are on different subdomains and what I noticed first was a CORS error I don’t know why but when opening the dropdown of the field, it was calling the ajax-admin.php of the base site not the one I’m on at the moment. I fixed CORS error by the allowed_http_origins filter but it didn’t help.

    Then I hardcoded my current site admin URL in wp-content/plugins/advanced-custom-fields-pro/includes/assets.php lines 463 and 464 (print_footer_scripts function) and now it works as expected.

    Any ideas why the wrong admin_ur() is being picked by the plugin and how to fix that?

    Thank you!

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