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Multisite Options Pages

  • I’m building a site using multisite. I want the root site to have one unique options page.

    The other 3 sites need to have their own shared unique options pages and fields.

    Currently there are options pages from the child sites showing up in the parent root site. I want to remove those and add the new unique options page.


  • Hi @robertrhu

    I believe you can do it by checking the current site and only add the options page only if the current site is the parent site. You can check the current site by using the get_current_blog_id() function.

    I hope this helps 🙂

  • Any chance you might have a little more detail on how I would implement that along with ACF options functions? Would I wrap the acf options function in this function with the specific blog ID called? Thanks a ton!

  • Hi @robertrhu

    I think it should be something like this:

    if( function_exists('acf_add_options_page') ) {
        if( get_current_blog_id() == 1 ) {
            // register the options page for root here
        } else {
            // register the options page for other sites

    Hope this helps 🙂

  • That’s super helpful! Thank you!

  • This works for me as well, but I’m not sure I understand why?

    Does it have something to do with how WordPress hook and stores data in the different tables for different sites in a multisite installation?

  • Where in Menu you would like to Display your Settings Page? 🙂

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