Is it possible to create If – else statements for a pre-defined range of dates using the date field ?
Rough gist of what I want to do –
if in Date Range 1 - 'Spring' = 'January - March' > echo = 'it's spring'
if in Date Range 2 - 'Summer' = 'April - August' > echo = 'it's summer'
if Date in Range 3 - 'Autumn' = 'September - December' > echo = 'it's autumn'
The exact details of what you do would depend on the settings of the field.
Something like
// depends on acf returning a date format compatible with PHP date functions
$month = date('n', strtotime(get_field('date_field_name')));
if ($month >= 1 && $month <= 3) {
// it's spring