Home › Forums › Add-ons › Repeater Field › Multiple Bootstrap accordions with repeater field
Hey there,
first of all I´m a beginner in coding,
I have set up multiple accordions with this custom code:
//My ACF Fields for reference
//faqs - field group
//faq_question - sub-field
//faq_answer - sub-field
// check if the repeater field has rows of data
if( have_rows('faqs') ):
<?php while ( have_rows('faqs') ) : the_row(); ?>
<div id="faq_container">
<div class="faq">
<div class="faq_question">
<span class="question">
<?php the_sub_field('faq_question'); ?>
<span class="accordion-button-icon fa fa-plus"></span>
<div class="faq_answer_container">
<div class="faq_answer">
<span><?php the_sub_field('faq_answer'); ?></span>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
I would like to use the bootstrap accordion markup, tried to just fill my code above inside the Bootstrap accrodion but no content appears on frontend.
I found a thread in the support forum where someone discribes how to set up multiple accordions with bootstrap, but unfortunately theres still no content shown on frontend.
This is the code from the other thread:
<?php if( have_rows('content') ): ?>
<?php $j=1; while ( have_rows('content') ) : the_row(); ?>
<?php if( get_row_layout() == 'accordion' ): ?>
<?php if (get_sub_field('heading')) { ?>
<h2 class="title text-center"><?php the_sub_field('heading'); ?></h2>
<?php } ?>
<?php if( have_rows('sections') ): ?>
<div class="panel-group" id="accordion-<?php echo $j; ?>" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true">
<?php $i=1; while ( have_rows('sections') ) : the_row(); ?>
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="heading-<?php echo $i; ?>">
<h2 class="panel-title">
<a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion-<?php echo $j; ?>" href="#collapse-<?php echo $j; ?>-<?php echo $i; ?>" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapseOne">
<?php the_sub_field('question'); ?>
<div id="collapse-<?php echo $j; ?>-<?php echo $i; ?>" class="panel-collapse collapse <?php if ($i==1) { echo 'in'; } ?>" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading-<?php echo $i; ?>">
<div class="panel-body">
<?php the_sub_field('answer'); ?>
<?php $i++; endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php $j++; endwhile; ?>
<?php else : endif; ?>
Could someone help me get my code together with the bootrap accordion markup ?
This link may set you on the right path:
I’ll try it based on your code today (11.25.15) and see what happens, then get back to you.
This is my solution for anyone else wanting to use Bootstrap 3 Accordion in WordPress:
ACF Field = “faqs”
Repeater Sub Fields = “question”, “answer”
$counter = 1;
if( have_rows('faqs') ):
echo "<div class='panel-group' id='accordion'>";
while ( have_rows('faqs') ) : the_row();
$count = $counter++;
echo "<div class='panel panel-default'>
<div class='panel-heading'>
<h4 class='panel-title'>
<a data-toggle='collapse' data-parent='#accordion' href='#collapse" . $count . "'>";
echo "</a>
<div id='collapse" . $count . "' class='panel-collapse collapse'>
<div class='panel-body'>";
echo "</div>
echo "</div>";
else :
Note: I’ve removed the “in” from the answer class so all panels will be closed on page load. If you want all to be open then use this instead:
class=’panel-collapse collapse in’
And here is my code for Bootstrap 4.
I change the IDs name (#accordion) because I want to use multiple accordions on one page.
<?php if( have_rows('_accordion_zeile') ): $accordion++; ?>
<div id="accordion<?php echo $accordion; ?>">
<?php while ( have_rows('_accordion_zeile') ) : the_row(); $collapse++; ?>
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header" id="heading<?php echo $collapse; ?>">
<h5 class="mb-0">
<button class="btn btn-link" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse<?php echo $collapse; ?>" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse<?php echo $collapse; ?>">
<?php the_sub_field("_accordion_titel"); ?>
<div id="collapse<?php echo $collapse; ?>" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="heading<?php echo $collapse; ?>" data-parent="#accordion<?php echo $accordion; ?>">
<div class="card-body">
<?php the_sub_field("_accordion_inhalt"); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Thanks herrfischer, can you paste the code without your modifications to use multiple accordions in one page?
@xuzo – It is save to use this, even if there is only one accordion. You will anyway need a uniqe ID for the rows of the accordion.
In this example I use get_row_index()
to give the ID:
<?php if ( have_rows('columns') ) : ?>
<div class="row">
<?php while ( have_rows('columns') ) : the_row(); ?>
<?php if ( get_row_layout() == 'columns_row_row_accordion'): ?>
<section class="column column_accordion __ col-12">
<?php $Acc = get_row_index(); ?>
<?php if( have_rows('accordion_zeile') ) : ?>
<div id="accordion_<?php echo $Acc; ?>">
<?php while ( have_rows('accordion_zeile') ) : the_row(); ?>
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header" id="heading_<?php echo get_row_index(); ?>_<?php echo $Acc; ?>">
<h4 class="mb-0">
<button class="btn btn-link" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse_<?php echo get_row_index(); ?>_<?php echo $Acc; ?>" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse_<?php echo get_row_index(); ?>_<?php echo $Acc; ?>">
<?php the_sub_field("accordion_titel"); ?>
<div id="collapse_<?php echo get_row_index(); ?>_<?php echo $Acc; ?>" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="heading_<?php echo get_row_index(); ?>_<?php echo $Acc; ?>" data-parent="#accordion_<?php echo $Acc; ?>">
<div class="card-body">
<?php the_sub_field("accordion_text"); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
And in this example I use “uniqid” to give an ID:
Feel free to ask if you need more help.
If it helps you, import this as “something.json” in your ACF and check it out.
"key": "group_5d75feeccbdc9",
"title": "Spalten",
"fields": [
"key": "field_5d725da67101e",
"label": "Spalten",
"name": "columns",
"type": "flexible_content",
"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"layouts": {
"layout_5d720da0975d2": {
"key": "layout_5d720da0975d2",
"name": "columns_row_row_h2",
"label": "Headline (H2)",
"display": "block",
"sub_fields": [
"key": "field_5d725da671025",
"label": "Text",
"name": "text",
"type": "text",
"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"acfe_permissions": "",
"default_value": "",
"placeholder": "",
"prepend": "",
"append": "",
"maxlength": "",
"acfe_validate": false,
"acfe_update": false
"min": "",
"max": ""
"layout_5d720ea2b59b6": {
"key": "layout_5d720ea2b59b6",
"name": "columns_row_row_h3",
"label": "Headline (H3)",
"display": "block",
"sub_fields": [
"key": "field_5d725da67102c",
"label": "Text",
"name": "text",
"type": "text",
"instructions": "",
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"conditional_logic": 0,
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"id": ""
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"acfe_validate": false,
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"max": ""
"layout_5d6f7653437a2": {
"key": "layout_5d6f7653437a2",
"name": "columns_row_row_intro",
"label": "Einleitung",
"display": "block",
"sub_fields": [
"key": "field_5d725da671033",
"label": "Editor",
"name": "columns_row_row_intro_editor",
"type": "wysiwyg",
"instructions": "",
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"577ba52f12d8c": {
"key": "577ba52f12d8c",
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"key": "field_5d725da67103a",
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"id": ""
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"acfe_update": false
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"max": ""
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"name": "columns_row_row_card",
"label": "Karte",
"display": "block",
"sub_fields": [
"key": "field_5d725da671041",
"label": "Bild",
"name": "columns_row_row_card_img",
"type": "image",
"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"acfe_permissions": "",
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"min_size": "",
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"max_size": "",
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"type": "link",
"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
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"class": "",
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"min": "",
"max": ""
"layout_5d6f95c598351": {
"key": "layout_5d6f95c598351",
"name": "columns_row_row_feature",
"label": "Feature",
"display": "block",
"sub_fields": [
"key": "field_5d725da67104b",
"label": "Bild",
"name": "img",
"type": "image",
"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"acfe_permissions": "",
"return_format": "id",
"preview_size": "thumbnail",
"library": "all",
"min_width": "",
"min_height": "",
"min_size": "",
"max_width": "",
"max_height": "",
"max_size": "",
"mime_types": "",
"acfe_thumbnail": 0,
"acfe_validate": false,
"acfe_update": false
"key": "field_5d725da67104c",
"label": "Headline",
"name": "headline",
"type": "text",
"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
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"prepend": "",
"append": "",
"maxlength": "",
"acfe_validate": false,
"acfe_update": false
"key": "field_5d725da67104d",
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"name": "editor",
"type": "wysiwyg",
"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"acfe_permissions": "",
"default_value": "",
"tabs": "all",
"toolbar": "full",
"media_upload": 0,
"delay": 0,
"acfe_validate": false,
"acfe_update": false
"key": "field_5d725da67104e",
"label": "Button (Mehr Info)",
"name": "button",
"type": "link",
"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"acfe_permissions": "",
"return_format": "array",
"acfe_validate": false,
"acfe_update": false
"key": "field_5d725da67104f",
"label": "Optionen",
"name": "",
"type": "accordion",
"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"acfe_permissions": "",
"open": 0,
"multi_expand": 0,
"endpoint": 0
"key": "field_5d725da671050",
"label": "Bild rechts",
"name": "img_right",
"type": "true_false",
"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"acfe_permissions": "",
"message": "Bild rechts",
"default_value": 0,
"ui": 0,
"ui_on_text": "",
"ui_off_text": "",
"acfe_validate": false,
"acfe_update": false
"min": "",
"max": ""
"layout_5d7f731463ff4": {
"key": "layout_5d7f731463ff4",
"name": "columns_row_row_b",
"label": "Bild (volle Breite)",
"display": "block",
"sub_fields": [
"key": "field_5d7f731463ff5",
"label": "Bild",
"name": "img",
"type": "image",
"instructions": "",
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"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"return_format": "array",
"preview_size": "thumbnail",
"library": "all",
"min_width": "",
"min_height": "",
"min_size": "",
"max_width": "",
"max_height": "",
"max_size": "",
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"min": "",
"max": ""
"layout_5d7221914e469": {
"key": "layout_5d7221914e469",
"name": "columns_row_row_bt",
"label": "Bild (volle Breite) + Text",
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"name": "img",
"type": "image",
"instructions": "",
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"wrapper": {
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"min_width": "",
"min_height": "",
"min_size": "",
"max_width": "",
"max_height": "",
"max_size": "",
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"acfe_validate": false,
"acfe_update": false
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"type": "wysiwyg",
"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"acfe_permissions": "",
"default_value": "",
"tabs": "all",
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"media_upload": 0,
"delay": 0,
"acfe_validate": false,
"acfe_update": false
"min": "",
"max": ""
"layout_5d024db252b54": {
"key": "layout_5d024db252b54",
"name": "columns_row_row_trenner",
"label": "Trenner",
"display": "block",
"sub_fields": [
"key": "field_5d725da671059",
"label": "Info",
"name": "",
"type": "message",
"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"acfe_permissions": "",
"message": "Ein Trennelement das die Reihe mit Spalten davor beendet (erzwungener Umbruch).",
"new_lines": "wpautop",
"esc_html": 0
"key": "field_5d725da67105a",
"label": "Optionen",
"name": "",
"type": "accordion",
"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"acfe_permissions": "",
"open": 0,
"multi_expand": 0,
"endpoint": 0
"key": "field_5d725da67105b",
"label": "Trenner Design",
"name": "_inse_trenner_design",
"type": "radio",
"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"acfe_permissions": "",
"choices": {
"stroke": "Linie",
"ghost": "Unsichtbar"
"allow_null": 0,
"other_choice": 0,
"save_other_choice": 0,
"default_value": "",
"layout": "vertical",
"return_format": "value",
"acfe_validate": false,
"acfe_update": false
"key": "field_5d725da67105c",
"label": "Trenner Design Optionen",
"name": "_inse_trenner_design_options_1_gr",
"type": "group",
"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": [
"field": "field_5d725da67105b",
"operator": "==",
"value": "stroke"
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"acfe_permissions": "",
"layout": "block",
"sub_fields": [
"key": "field_5d725da67105d",
"label": "Farbe",
"name": "_color",
"type": "color_picker",
"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"acfe_permissions": "",
"default_value": "#fff",
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"layout_5d70cec989566": {
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"name": "columns_row_row_accordion",
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"display": "block",
"sub_fields": [
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"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
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"min": 0,
"max": 0,
"layout": "block",
"button_label": "Accordion Zeile hinzufügen",
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"type": "text",
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"acfe_update": false
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"type": "wysiwyg",
"instructions": "",
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"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
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"acfe_validate": false,
"acfe_update": false
"min": "",
"max": ""
"layout_5d7114e0e3584": {
"key": "layout_5d7114e0e3584",
"name": "columns_row_row_downloads",
"label": "Downloads",
"display": "block",
"sub_fields": [
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"min": 0,
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"name": "_singledl",
"type": "file",
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"operator": "!=",
"value": "1"
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"return_format": "id",
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"max_size": "",
"mime_types": "",
"acfe_validate": false,
"acfe_update": false
"key": "field_5d725da671070",
"label": "Externer Download",
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"type": "true_false",
"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "20",
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"id": ""
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"message": "Externe Datei",
"default_value": 0,
"ui": 0,
"ui_on_text": "",
"ui_off_text": "",
"acfe_validate": false,
"acfe_update": false
"key": "field_5d725da671071",
"label": "Download extern",
"name": "_singledl_extern",
"type": "text",
"instructions": "",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": [
"field": "field_5d725da671070",
"operator": "==",
"value": "1"
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"acfe_permissions": "",
"default_value": "",
"placeholder": "https:\/\/www. ...",
"prepend": "",
"append": "",
"maxlength": "",
"acfe_validate": false,
"acfe_update": false
"min": "",
"max": ""
"layout_5d7627e37a23f": {
"key": "layout_5d7627e37a23f",
"name": "columns_row_row_video",
"label": "Video",
"display": "block",
"sub_fields": [
"key": "field_5d7627fd7a240",
"label": "Video",
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