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Multi step forms

  • It would be great to be able to have more advanced forms. Rather than just a very basic form that shows all fields it would be cool to create a multi step form for example.

    I am currently using a function that allows me to create a shortcode with a field group id in the short code. Trying to use the ACF validation without submit is a pain and it would be good if this was a default ACF option.

    It is very common to have more dynamic forms than just all on one page.

  • ACF is primarily a tool for used to add custom fields to the admin of a site. ACF forms is primarily provides a simple front end tool adding/editing of content for posts. ACF would not be my choice for building a multi-page form.

    The developers do not monitor this forum, if you want to suggest this:

  • @hube2 thanks for the reply and thanks for the details on how to provide feedback.

    What approach would you use to create a multi step form?

    I have effectively created tabs which have a next button so the user can scroll through the questions and then the next button changes to the submit button on the last tab. Obviously the validation is the trickiest part as ACF only does validation on submission of the form.

  • What is the goal of the form?

    Are you creating a post, or saving data for a user?

    Or is this some type of a contact form?

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