I’d like to create a pedigrees for an multiple animals on my wordpress site.
And from old tickets, I’ve seen that others have set animals up as custom post types, with data inserted using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin and use Categories -a type of taxonomy- to group and categorize them.
Unfortunately this is a little beyond my understanding. Has anyone made a step-by-step tutorial for this using this plugin in this way? It seems to be a common feature request.
Thanks in advance!
Are you having trouble creating the pedigrees taxonomy?
If so, you can create it manually using code in the theme’s functions.php file: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2012/01/04/create-custom-taxonomies-wordpress/
Or use a plugin like Custom Post Type UI: https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-post-type-ui/
I use the second method as it allows me to quickly create taxonomies and link them to posts, custom post types or both.