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Move from Flexible Content Fields to ACF Blocks

  • I have a site that’s built using ACF Pro and Flexible content fields.

    All content on each page is built using the Flexible Content Fields. Most pages has over 20 Flexible content fields to structure the content – some being WYSIWYG fields, galleries with various settings, content fields pulling content from other CPTs etc etc.

    There are more than a 2000 pages built with these many Flexible Content fields.

    However, when I look at the path WordPress is headed, it looks like Gutenberg is becoming more and more the standard.

    I’m looking at ACF Blocks as an alternative to Flexible Content Fields.

    However, I don’t want to manually move 2000+ pages with lot of content fields into lots of ACF Blocks.

    If I decide to transition my site to Gutenberg, what options do I have to merge the Fields to Blocks? Are the ways to automate that or re-code the content to match blocks?

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