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Move existing fields into a group field

  • Hi all,
    I’ve an existing website with a largish number of fields, mostly text or text area, that I now need to group together for display. There doesn’t seem to be any way to create a group field and then move existing fields into it. Can this be done or will I have to export and reimport the data in to a new set of fields?

  • You cannot just move fields into a group, if you do you will loose the data because the subfields are stored under different meta_keys. Yes, you would basically need to somehow export and import all of the data.

  • It seems like this isn’t possible because ACF enforces children on the group field to have a field name that concatenates with its parent so group parent with child child will force the child to actually be parent_child. But if there were option to override this default behavior and name the child whatever you want, then it wouldn’t be a problem (You could name the child a field name that already exists and delete that field which is outside of the group).

    I’m running into this right now and really wish I could group a handful of fields that already exist, but I’ve hit a wall. Any chance I can suggest the ability to override the default behavior, as described above?

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