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Mixed query post title + custom field

  • Hello everyone, I am facing some issues with a custom query I would like to set up.
    It’s a mixing between POST TITLE and ACF. that’s why I cannot use standard WP_QUery.

    Below you will find a complex query which is keeping not giving expected results:
    All the Posts which have either the given %multi%word%string in the title, or in operations_short_bio or operations_long_bio BUT both of operations field must be retrieved.

    $searchStr = preg_replace('/\s+/', '%', $_GET['s']);
    $searchStr = "%".$searchStr."%";
                           posts.post_title AS name, posts.ID as ID,
                           MAX(CASE WHEN (postmeta.meta_key='operations_short_bio') THEN postmeta.meta_value ELSE NULL END) AS short_description,
                           MAX(CASE WHEN (postmeta.meta_key='operations_long_bio') THEN postmeta.meta_value ELSE NULL END) AS long_description
                        FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}posts AS posts
                        LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}postmeta AS postmeta
                            ON posts.ID=postmeta.post_id
                              posts.post_type = 'post'
                                posts.post_status = 'publish'
                                         IN('operations_long_bio', 'operations_short_bio')
                                         AND postmeta.meta_value LIKE '$searchStr'
                                  OR ( posts.post_title LIKE '$searchStr' )
                        GROUP BY posts.ID,posts.post_title
                        ORDER BY posts.post_title

    the output is a $res array with just one of the acf fields, and the other simply is null 🙁

  • hello again,

    I think we can simplify the question…

    how can I say

    SELECT that specific meta_value='some value' 
       WHEN it's parent meta_key = 'something' 
          AND some other meta_value='some other value' 
       WHEN it's parent meta_key = 'something else' 
          AND maybe it's meta_value also contains 'some%words'

    sorry for this silly pseudo code, but I can’t find an easier way to ask you how to select and RETURN only specific ACF whose value is what I query…


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