I’ve recently run into a bug which I can’t figure out. When trying to export/import a Field Group (using the ACF Tools), all choices are missing in all the “Radio Button” fields. I was able to recreate the problem in a Field Group that has only a single “Radio Button” field with three plain choices: red, blue, and yellow (no instructions, no conditional logic, etc.).
The choices are in the .json file, but they don’t show up when imported. I’ve attached the test, see if you can recreate the problem. I did not test for other field types that also use choices.
I’m using ACF Pro 5.3.4 on both WordPress installs (both are on localhost). Chrome, Windows 10.
Thank you for your help, and your amazing plugin!
I did some testing and it appears that this has been fixed on the dev version of ACF and should be included in the next update.
Excellent, I’ll keep an eye out for the next update!
I posted the effected code that needs to be changed in the other topic if anyone wants to make this change and not wait for the update.