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I’ve created two custom types:
– art
– media
For the art type I’ve created a custom field ‘post object’ which is linked to the media post type media. Multiple selections are allowed.
So for instance an artwork is linked to the following media items:
– mixed media
– painting.
One the front of the website people can filter art by selecting one or more media-types. So when mixed media is selected, all mixed-media art is shown. When mxed media and painting is selected all art with these two media-types are shown.
But how do I do this on the front side? So far I have
($aCheckedMedia is an array with ID’s of the selected media-types)
$arrays = array('relation' => 'AND');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($aCheckedMedia); $i++) {
$count = count($arrays);
$arrays[$i] = array(
'key' => 'categorie',
'value' => $aCheckedMedia[$i],
'compare' => 'LIKE'
$paged = ( get_query_var('paged') ) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
$kunst = new WP_Query( array(
'post_type' => 'kunst',
'orderby' => 'title',
'order' => 'asc',
'posts_per_page' => 4,
'meta_key' => 'status',
'meta_value' => 'te koop',
'meta_query' => $arrays
But than only art is shown where both media-types are selected and art with only one of the media-types area not shown. If I use
$arrays = array('relation' => 'OR');
all art shows up.
Hi @advancedcustomfields@swell.nl
The relation
should be OR
to allow for any of the meta_query’s to match. I can’t explain why ALL the art appears.
Firstly, can you change:
$arrays[$i] = array(
$arrays[] = array(
I’m not sure if that is an important change, but I don’t think specific indexes are needed here.
The main issue I can see is that your WP_Query has:
'meta_key' => 'status',
'meta_value' => 'te koop',
This will override the 'meta_query' => $arrays
Please only use the 'meta_query' => $arrays
Hi Elliot,
Thank you for your reply. Your solution worked, thanks!
But I really need the extra ‘status’ parameter. It’s an another custom field where I can mark the item as sold/reserved/for sale.
How can I combine this with the meta_query?
Hi @advancedcustomfields@swell.nl
This is a limitation of the WP_Query args.
If you were to add the status
to the meta_query
array, then it too would be treated as an ‘OR’.
It seems that you can’t mix ‘AND’ with ‘OR’ in a meta_query.
You may need to first find all the posts using the meta_query you have, then loop over the results and remove (unset) the ones which don’t have the correct ‘status’ meta_value.
Hi ELliot,
Thank you again for your reply.
Unfortunataly I have a paginate_links() on the bottom of the page. I think filtering will break it (count wrong)…
Do you know a solution for that?
Hi @edwin
I think you can edit the global $wp_query
object to modify the number of results and the actual results found.
But perhaps the easiest solution of all is to use a taxonomy for the ‘status’ this way you can separate it form the meta_query.
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