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Menu Images ALT Tag

  • Hey there,

    I have created a field group called Menu Icons. It shows up an image selector field when users edit any menu.
    I have gotten the images to appear perfectly in menus, above the text.

    I am just wondering how I can possibly get the image ALT tag to show up on these images? Currently the image just displays as:
    <img src="example.jpg" class="menu-image">
    I want to add the alt tag at the end of that.

    I don’t know if it helps but below is my code to show the menu:

    <nav id="site-navigation" class="main-navigation">
    	<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'top-menu' ) ); ?>

    The settings for the Menu Icons is set to return Image URL.

    Any help at all would be so appreciated!

  • To show these images you must have created a filter to do so as described either here or here In order to add the alt tag you will need to get it and show it in your filter, this isn’t something that WP automatically does. Check out this explanation

  • Oh my gosh!! I feel so silly that I totally forgot I did that. Yep, you are right and thank you that helped solve my question!

  • Sorry, I marked the answer as solved because I thought I had it for a sec, but I still cant get it to work

    Below is the code:

    	// loop
    	foreach( $items as &$item ) {
    		// vars
    		$icon = get_field('menu_image', $item);
    		// append icon
    		if( $icon ) {
    			$item->title = ' <img src="' . $url['url'] . '" class="menu-image" alt="' . $image['alt'] . '"><br>' .$item->title;
    	// return
    	return $items;

    I have changed my field to output Image Array and am using the above code but it now wont display the image url or the alt tags….. Not sure what I am missing

  • Not sure how to click edit on that last post as I posted the wrong code…
    I am using the below with Image Array option selected:

    // loop
    	foreach( $items as &$item ) {
    		// vars
    		$icon = get_field('menu_image', $item);
    		// append icon
    		if( $icon ) {
    			$item->title = ' <img src="' . $icon['url'] . '" class="menu-image" alt="' . $icon['alt'] . '"><br>' .$item->title;
    	// return
    	return $items;
  • Your code looks correct according to the documentation. Honestly, I don’t know, I haven’t had the chance to use fields on menu items yet. Are the images appearing?

  • how can i add any html tag before title. ex. <span>title<span> and how could print image first then title

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