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Max 50 fields in Flexible content field?

  • Hi,guys.
    Thanks for this great plugin.
    and I ask author or everyone.

    I use “flexible content field” additional plugin,
    and I make some fields in it, but it seems to be maximum 50 custom fields in total.
    so if I add new one at 51st, it cannot be saved…

    does anyone have any idea?


  • This is a problem with php.ini and the max_input_vars setting.

    Check out this plugin, it can tell you when you are exceeding this number and what that number is:

  • Mr or Mrs Hube2,

    Thank you for your advice to me.
    it is because of PHP setting of server.
    I changed the value of it in htaccess and my problem has solved.

    if I change the value 1000 to 10000,
    is it any problem?

  • Shouldn’t be a problem, I have one site that needs to be at 50000. 🙂

    Glad it helped your problem.

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