Home › Forums › General Issues › Making an ics calendar with ACF date
I have a custom post type called ‘competicions’, with ACF for date and time (format d/m/Y | H:i). Is there any way to create an ics calendar from this posts and make it autoupdatable like all ics calendars?
I tried following code but it is not working, it loads an empty calendar.
-Custom post type: competicions
-Start/End date: ACF datahora_prova
-Observations: link to the post.
Here is my code:
Plugin Name: ical feed
// Check if string is a timestamp
function isValidTimeStamp($timestamp) {
//if($timestamp == '') return;
return ((string) (int) $timestamp === $timestamp)
&& ($timestamp <= PHP_INT_MAX)
&& ($timestamp >= ~PHP_INT_MAX);
// Escapes a string of characters
function escapeString($string) {
return preg_replace('/([\,;])/','\\\$1', $string);
// Shorten a string to desidered characters lenght - eg. shorter_version($string, 100);
function shorter_version($string, $lenght) {
if (strlen($string) >= $lenght) {
return substr($string, 0, $lenght);
} else {
return $string;
// Add a custom endpoint "calendar"
function add_calendar_feed(){
add_feed('icalfeed', 'export_ics');
// Only uncomment these 2 lines the first time you load this script, to update WP rewrite rules, or in case you see a 404
global $wp_rewrite;
$wp_rewrite->flush_rules( false );
add_action('init', 'add_calendar_feed');
// Calendar function
function export_ics(){
// Query the event
$the_event = new WP_Query(array(
'p' => $_REQUEST['id'],
'post_type' => 'competicions',
if($the_event->have_posts()) :
while($the_event->have_posts()) : $the_event->the_post();
// If your version of WP < 5.3.0 use the code below
/* The correct date format, for ALL dates is date_i18n('Ymd\THis\Z',time(), true)
So if your date is not in this format, use that function */
$start_date = get_field("datahora_prova", false, false); // EDIT THIS WITH YOUR OWN VALUE
$end_date = get_field("datahora_prova", false, false); // EDIT THIS WITH YOUR OWN VALUE
// The rest is the same for any version
$timestamp = date_i18n('Ymd\THis\Z',time(), true);
$uid = get_the_ID();
$created_date = get_post_time('Ymd\THis\Z', true, $uid );
$organiser = get_bloginfo('name'); // EDIT THIS WITH YOUR OWN VALUE
$url = get_the_permalink();
$summary = get_the_excerpt();
$content = html_entity_decode(trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', get_the_content()))); // removes newlines and double spaces
$title = html_entity_decode(get_the_title());
//Give the iCal export a filename
$filename = urlencode( $title.'-ical-' . date('Y-m-d') . '.ics' );
$eol = "\r\n";
//Collect output
// Set the correct headers for this file
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$filename);
header('Content-type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8');
header("Pragma: 0");
header("Expires: 0");
// The below ics structure MUST NOT have spaces before each line
// Credit for the .ics structure goes to https://gist.github.com/jakebellacera/635416
PRODID:-//<?php echo get_bloginfo('name'); ?> //NONSGML Events //EN
X-WR-CALNAME:<?php echo get_bloginfo('name').$eol;?>
CREATED:<?php echo $created_date.$eol;?>
UID:<?php echo $uid.$eol;?>
DTEND;VALUE=DATE:<?php echo $end_date.$eol; ?>
DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:<?php echo $start_date.$eol; ?>
DTSTAMP:<?php echo $timestamp.$eol; ?>
LOCATION:<?php echo escapeString($address).$eol; ?>
DESCRIPTION:<?php echo $content.$eol; ?>
SUMMARY:<?php echo $title.$eol; ?>
ORGANIZER:<?php echo escapeString($organiser).$eol;?>
URL;VALUE=URI:<?php echo escapeString($url).$eol; ?>
TRIGGER;VALUE=DATE-TIME:<?php echo $deadline.$eol; ?>
DESCRIPTION:Reminder for <?php echo escapeString(get_the_title()); echo $eol; ?>
//Collect output and echo
$eventsical = ob_get_contents();
echo $eventsical;
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