Hi everybody,
I’m working with a select field and since I can’t use rules [because 1) they just don’t work. if I create a rule to just show the field when the article belongs to a certain category it won’t show up anywhere. I have to recreate the field to make it work again and 2) if the rule would apply the select field won’t show up on the initial post creation, but only after I choose a category, save and edit the post, am I right?] and therefore have to “allow NULL”, I have a question:
Is it possible to make the earlier/initial selected value the default value on edit? Currently, I’m choosing a value and it gets saved – but when I edit the post, the select field again starts with “- Select -” and I have to select the value again or nothing will be saved at all. That’s not a deal breaker but surely something my users will forget all the time, so I already see myself editing posts all the time.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tl;dr: Can I make the initally selected value of a select field my default value on edit?
Kind regards
Hi @ostrunk
The above issues point out that there is some major bugs in your WP + ACF install.
Perhaps you have some custom code which is running on the save_post action and is preventing ACF from saving correctly?
You say that the ‘rules’ don’t work? Are these location or conditional?
Have you tried a fresh install of WP + ACF to use the plugin without any conflicts?