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Looping over a ACF Group but retrieving get_field_objects?

  • Hey everybody.

    I have a group of select fields that I use to keep things organized for a client. I’m trying to figure out how/if there’s a way to get_field_objects without having to manually write out each statement?

    Right now I loop over the acf group this way:

    $cavereports = get_field('cave_reports')
    if ($cavereports):
    							foreach ($cavereports as $cave){
    								echo "<li>". $cave['label'] . "-" .  $cave['value'] . "</li>";
    							echo "No data found.";

    I’m ‘cheating’ the select system by having the value assigned label be the fields label, but i’d vastly perfer to just retrieve the actual field label itself. Is that possible?

    Thank you!

  • You would need to loop over the group field using have_rows() rather than getting the group field, see the loop example for group fields. Doing this you can then use get_sub_field_object() in the loop to get each field object.

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