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Loop to generate fields group shorcode ACF Free

  • Hi everyone,

    I have a problem to generate dynamicaly sub_fields or field group. I using actually ACF Free.

    I used shortcode to display fields:


    function my_shortcode($attrs) { 
        $attrs = shortcode_atts( [
            'post_id' => '', // Default value.
        ], $attrs );
                    //récupérer le lien
                    $linkOutput = '[acf field="cours_1_lien_de_la_page" post_id="' . $attrs['post_id'] . '"]';
                    $linkOutput = do_shortcode( $linkOutput );
                    //récupérer l'image
                    $imgOutput = '[acf field="cours_1_image" post_id="' . $attrs['post_id'] . '"]';
                    $imgOutput = do_shortcode( $imgOutput );
                    $imgOutput = 'background-image:url('.$imgOutput.')';
                    //récupérer le titre
                    $titleOutput = '[acf field="cours_1_titre" post_id="' . $attrs['post_id'] . '"]';
                    $titleOutput = do_shortcode( $titleOutput );
                    //récupérer le lien
                    $linkOutput2 = '[acf field="cours_2_lien_de_la_page" post_id="' . $attrs['post_id'] . '"]';
                    $linkOutput2 = do_shortcode( $linkOutput2 );
                    //récupérer l'image
                    $imgOutput2 = '[acf field="cours_2_image" post_id="' . $attrs['post_id'] . '"]';
                    $imgOutput2 = do_shortcode( $imgOutput2 );
                    $imgOutput2 = 'background-image:url('.$imgOutput2.')';
                    //récupérer le titre
                    $titleOutput2 = '[acf field="cours_2_titre" post_id="' . $attrs['post_id'] . '"]';
                    $titleOutput2 = do_shortcode( $titleOutput2 );
                     //récupérer le lien
                    $linkOutput3 = '[acf field="cours_3_lien_de_la_page" post_id="' . $attrs['post_id'] . '"]';
                    $linkOutput3 = do_shortcode( $linkOutput3 );
                    //récupérer l'image
                    $imgOutput3 = '[acf field="cours_3_image" post_id="' . $attrs['post_id'] . '"]';
                    $imgOutput3 = do_shortcode( $imgOutput3 );
                    $imgOutput3 = 'background-image:url('.$imgOutput3.')';
                    //récupérer le titre
                    $titleOutput3 = '[acf field="cours_3_titre" post_id="' . $attrs['post_id'] . '"]';
                    $titleOutput3 = do_shortcode( $titleOutput3 );
                     //récupérer le lien
                    $linkOutput4 = '[acf field="cours_4_lien_de_la_page" post_id="' . $attrs['post_id'] . '"]';
                    $linkOutput4 = do_shortcode( $linkOutput4 );
                    //récupérer l'image
                    $imgOutput4 = '[acf field="cours_4_image" post_id="' . $attrs['post_id'] . '"]';
                    $imgOutput4 = do_shortcode( $imgOutput4 );
                    $imgOutput4 = 'background-image:url('.$imgOutput4.')';
                    //récupérer le titre
                    $titleOutput4 = '[acf field="cours_4_titre" post_id="' . $attrs['post_id'] . '"]';
                    $titleOutput4 = do_shortcode( $titleOutput4 );
                     //récupérer le lien
                    $linkOutput5 = '[acf field="cours_5_lien_de_la_page" post_id="' . $attrs['post_id'] . '"]';
                    $linkOutput5 = do_shortcode( $linkOutput5 );
                    //récupérer l'image
                    $imgOutput5 = '[acf field="cours_5_image" post_id="' . $attrs['post_id'] . '"]';
                    $imgOutput5 = do_shortcode( $imgOutput5 );
                    $imgOutput5 = 'background-image:url('.$imgOutput5.')';
                    //récupérer le titre
                    $titleOutput5 = '[acf field="cours_5_titre" post_id="' . $attrs['post_id'] . '"]';
                    $titleOutput5 = do_shortcode( $titleOutput5 );
                    //construction du html
                    $par = '<section class="courses-sc">';
                    $par .= '<div class="courses-sc__list">';
                    $par .= '<a href="'.$linkOutput.'">';
                    $par .= "<div class='courses-sc__card card shadow' style=".$imgOutput.">";
                    $par .= '<h3 class="courses-sc__card-heading heading heading--h3">'.$titleOutput.'</h3>';
                    $par .= '</div>';
                    $par .= '</a>';
                    $par .= '<a href="'.$linkOutput2.'">';
                    $par .= "<div class='courses-sc__card card shadow' style=".$imgOutput2.">";
                    $par .= '<h3 class="courses-sc__card-heading heading heading--h3">'.$titleOutput2.'</h3>';
                    $par .= '</div>';
                    $par .= '</a>';
                    $par .= '<a href="'.$linkOutput3.'">';
                    $par .= "<div class='courses-sc__card card shadow' style=".$imgOutput3.">";
                    $par .= '<h3 class="courses-sc__card-heading heading heading--h3">'.$titleOutput3.'</h3>';
                    $par .= '</div>';
                    $par .= '</a>';
                    $par .= '<a href="'.$linkOutput4.'">';
                    $par .= "<div class='courses-sc__card card shadow' style=".$imgOutput4.">";
                    $par .= '<h3 class="courses-sc__card-heading heading heading--h3">'.$titleOutput4.'</h3>';
                    $par .= '</div>';
                    $par .= '</a>';
                    $par .= '<a href="'.$linkOutput5.'">';
                    $par .= "<div class='courses-sc__card card shadow' style=".$imgOutput5.">";
                    $par .= '<h3 class="courses-sc__card-heading heading heading--h3">'.$titleOutput5.'</h3>';
                    $par .= '</div>';
                    $par .= '</a>';
                    $par .= '</div>';
                    $par .= '</section>'; 
        return $par;
    // cette fonction prend deux arguments = le nom du shortcode en lui meme, le deuxieme, le nom de la fonction
    add_shortcode( 'listeDesCours', 'my_shortcode' );

    Can you help me to generate differents subfields dynamically ?

    Thank you by advance.

    See you soon

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